Adam 'Segulah' Sher
2 min readJul 17, 2019


Yes we must resist, but punching back does not a strategy make. Let’s revision the foundation of our American Dream and what it portends for its citizens and the people of the world. Let’s move toward a renewed vision, and starve the darkness..

Censuring Trump’s tweets as racist really gives a pass — there are millions of racist comments made daily, it’s an endemic problem in our society. And they are not just a stain on the office of President, he’s soiled his seat many times in the past few years.

Coming from the President, this is the approach, tone, and lexicon of a fascist demagogue. Fanning the flames of a dictatorial, intensely xenophobic, nativist, and paranoid regime — this is the rot at the core of the tree of our democracy. And though we must contain and cut out the rot, we must strengthen the living tree of decency, solidarity, the public good, and the loving conviction of the inalienable rights of humankind that are enshrined in our founding structure, the genetic code of our society, understanding that the role of our government is to safeguard those rights and enable the realization of a politics of love and justice.

To be clear, the power of fascism accrues according to the attention it receives both in terms of resistance and support. Yes we must resist, but punching back does not a strategy make. Let’s revision the foundation of our American Dream and what it portends for its citizens and the people of the world. Let’s move toward a different vision and starve the darkness..

Our true enemy is not racism or any of the other symptoms of an ailing social contract, rather our enemy is our fear that the unimaginable is inevitable. Fighting racism is a means to an end, but what is that end. Who do we want to be and what works ought we strive to create? This is the time for vision and coming to grips with the depth of the challenge before us. Take the rag away from our face, now ain’t the time for our tears.

